Swing Shift Promotions is a company born during the rise of the Craft Brewing business.
This all started because we have several staff members who love craft beer so much, that they have taken to brewing their own beer and attending many Brewfests.
In Montana there are an extraordinary number of people in business for themselves. Since there are no major factories or giant assembly plants, people have learned that they need to create their own jobs, or carve out a space for themselves in an existing industry.
In Montana beer drinking is a cultural phenomenon, second only to hunting in terms of favorite activities.
With a passion for beer, and an entrepreneurial eye, members of our staff started attending local brew fests. One thing they noticed immediately was that the Jockey Boxes that cool the beer at these Brewfests were cumbersome and utilitarian - which translates into ugly. Hence the need for a cover, for some, that meant a blanket or tarp or some other ugly cover up.
Those brewers who did have Jockey Box Covers had to contend with a large cumbersome box that took up a lot of room in their truck or van and sometimes they were too heavy and bulky for one person to carry.
Their alternatives were just as bad - because they were covers that required assembly and take-down that involved hardware and fasteners. Watching Brewers panic when they couldn’t find the hardware to put their covers together became a sort of cringe-worthy spectator sport.
Our beer loving staff thought they could do better!
Back at the factory, our designers went to work, creating a Jockey Box Cover that would pack flat and required no hardware or fasteners of any kind. The result?
The Swing Shift Jockey Box Cover. A marvel of convenience, elegance and simplicity. Better yet, a must-have to build your brand in a most impressive manner!
Made from engineered wood, our Jockey Box Covers are the perfect substrate for our high quality printers. When you consider the time and effort Brewers put into the design of their labels and their logos, most Craft Brewers already have everything they need to build their brand, it just needs to be re-purposed into a variety of brand building products and the Jockey Box Cover should be considered the number one accessory for brand building at Brewfests.